A huge shout out to Dariel Lim tweeter at @wheresdariel and blogger at Where's Dariel? for nominating me for a Liebster Award, my first blogging award.
The Liebster Award is an online award given out by fellow bloggers to new bloggers with under 500 followers to congratulate them / highlight their blog. It is a great way of networking and introducing new people and sharing ideas in the community and having a bit of fun.
The Rules
Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
Answer the eleven questions they ask you.
Nominate eleven bloggers with less than 500 followers.
Ask those eleven bloggers eleven questions.
Let those bloggers know that they have been nominated so they can continue the chain.
One of the rules I set myself when starting the blog was that I wouldn't let the writing take over my travels so I have taken a bit of liberty and stretched the number of followers slightly to speed the process but hope I've kept the spirit in keeping the numbers low.
So Dariel, here are my #liebsteraward answers;
1) Do you travel with luggage or backpack?
I've been travelling with a backpack since InterRail Europe in 1992 and I wouldn't give it up.
2) What would you do without the internet / wi-fi access for 1 week?
I'd miss being in touch with world news and football scores but I'd read more books which would be a good thing.
3) If you can only choose 1, mountains or cities?
Very tough one, cities would just swing it when travelling, mountains to spend my weekends when working.
4) Which country / city / island is at the top of your must-see and why?
Of places I've been I was recently blown away by Rio de Janeiro so I'd recommend that. A phenomenal city in every way.
My must see but haven't is China, such a vast country with amazing history.
5) What is the weirdest food you have eaten?
I guess some would see Haggis as a bit out there!
6) Are you a dog lover?
I am but I have never had my own.
7) Which camera are you using for your blog?
I'm using a Canon Powershot. Chosen because it has a 20x zoom but is compact so doesn't look flash. Don't make yourself a target!
8) Do you plan your itineraries or play by ear?
Depends on the length of trip. A three - four week holiday is planned in detail to make sure we hit deadlines to see all the top sites. A long trip such as our current South America jaunt we'll see what the grapevine says and plan a day or two ahead.
9) Have you ever missed your plane?
Got very close to missing a connection in Amsterdam but no, I'm usually at the airport well ahead of the two hour check in.
10) Do you prefer to drive, fly or take the train?
You missed boat! Of the other three, train is my favourite, there is something especially romantic about it.
11) Are you a Mac or Windows person?
Windows on laptop, Android on mobile.
My nominations are
@worldwidewriter World Wide Writer
@shoestringblog Shoestring Traveller
@her_travels Her and Her Travels
@kal_traveller Kaleidoscope Traveller
@backpack_n_go Backpack n Go
@roamingjason Roaming Jason
@onenomadwoman One Nomad Woman
@travelworkplay Chuck and Lori
@asullivanwriter The Craveable South
@backpackerbetty Backpacking Betty
brand new on the blogging scene and already building a following on Twitter
@holsandbear Hols and Bear
My questions are
1) What host and/or templates do you use for your blog?
2) What travel experience most changed your perspective on the world?
3) What/Where was your most memorable overseas meal?
4) Should reclining seats be banned on aircraft? ( @bemusedbackpacker posed this and I am fascinated)
5) You can go on a three month trip tomorrow, where?
6) Top five cities visited (not lived in)
7) Which are better books or e-books?
8) Top 3 brief pieces of travel advice.
9) Have you ever been robbed travelling?
10) Souveniers, essential or to much trouble to carry / post?
11) Photos, remain digital or printed and put in albums?
I look forward to reading your answers soon.
Well done, and thanks for the nomination :)