Saturday, 19 April 2014

Long Haul to Spokane 5 things we learned

Having lived in New Zealand for twelve years, travelling frequently back to the UK to see family along with other trips I feel I've got a reasonable handle on long haul travel but there is always more to learn. Our latest epic flight was Auckland - Brisbane - Los Angeles - Seattle - Spokane and here are a few things I thought about on the way.

1) Direct flights trump air miles.

We are largely loyal to one carrier as we have a credit card which earns air miles which when combined with regularly using that airline has provided us with free flights to the UK and several trips to Australia. Air miles are a seriously worthwhile perk.  However, flying three hours in the wrong direction plus layover when connecting beyond LAX is too out of the way to be worth it. If there is a direct option, take it.

2) The Airbus A380 rocks.

Travelling on a 747 for the first time in a few years is a reminder of just what a leap forward the A380 was. It feels more spacious, the seats feel bigger and more spaced out it is quieter and the entertainment system is way ahead. If you are flying long haul, check the plane it makes a big difference.

3) Alaska Airlines customer service is outstanding.

Planes break and delays happen, fact. A re fueling issue at LAX meant we knew we would miss our connection to Spokane from Seattle.  Alaska couldn't have been better, re booking and then reshuffling flights, providing a phone to let people know of changed plans and following up with an official apology and voucher for future flight. The statement "You had a right to expect us to deliver you to your destination on time and we let you down." says a lot.

Having battled Emeritus for weeks after being delayed for over 24 hours before they eventually, reluctantly game us a few air miles accompanied by the get out that it was a goodwill measure and not an admission of fault when they had directly been at fault for a large part of the delay. Emirates may have good in flight service but they could learn a lot from Alaska about customer service.

4) Sea-Tac is a cool airport to hang out at.

Live music from local musicians (look out for local strangers), huge windows letting in lots of natural light and big wooden rocking chairs to chill out in while taking in the view. Rocking chairs I tell you! Seattle Tacoma, airport, you literally rock!

5) Nothing beats the friendly face of a loved one at arrivals.

OK, we knew this already but it never gets old, it just gets better.

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